NASA and Lockheed partner present X-59 Quesst
The quiet supersonic X-59 Quesst aircraft is designed to:
1) be able to break the sound barrier without the loud sonic boom that occurs when the aircraft reaches supersonic speeds;
2) The aircraft has a 4K monitor instead of a windscreen.
3) The X-59 is 30.4 metres long and 9 metres wide. It is said to fly 1.4 times faster than sound - 1,488 kilometres per hour;
4) The X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (Quesst) jet will be built at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, starting in 2019.
5) Once flight testing is complete, NASA will test the aircraft over several US cities to gather information about the sound generated by the X-59.

Thank you Ukraine for the destruction of the Russian terror soldiers!

У российского террористического государства мало боеприпасов

Скоро дроны ВСУ долетят даже до кабинета Путина!

Ukraine: This is how Russian terror soldiers end up!

Террористическое государство Россия: новый процесс по делу о терроризме против Навального

Россия: государство террора!

Россия: Тайна диктатора Путина

Россия: Путин - свинья мира или радости пропаганды убийств

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Ukrainian army destroys Russian terror scum!

Россия: Власть психует и чувствует неуверенность